mercredi 29 septembre 2010

Tougui x AmkaShop!

I was recently contacted by AmkaShop to create a special papertoy for the new version of the website. Today the new version is running and you can download my paper on the website!
You can also find a DIY version ;)
Don't forget to send me your pics!

lundi 27 septembre 2010

Soorüz x CablePark x Iwakeboard x Tougui!!!

Some Months ago I've designed a car for the CablePark compagny from Bordeaux in co-branding with IWakeBoard Pro Shop. The car was recently used by Soorüz (which support CablePark) for their new campaign about their new wetsuit "Rave"! SICK!!!

Hi Mates!
Few months ago, Brian Castleforte has organised a logo design contest for his papertoys website community called NPT - NicePaperToys. Guess what? I win the contest!
I'm so glad to represent one of the best Papertoys network by my design!
Congrats to the other artists for their great works and thanks all for your support!

mercredi 22 septembre 2010

Tougui x Ambiguous - The report!


mardi 21 septembre 2010

Tougui @ Dune Graph It!

I will be on this friday's evening to the Dune Café for the "Graph it" live painting session!
4 illustrators/graphic designers, 1 canvas...
It's gonna be fun!
Hope to see you there!

lundi 20 septembre 2010

Dear Mates,
Apologies for the huge gap in posting!
I'm soooo busy now! I'm working on several papertoys projects and especially on a big one!
(Hope to show you some pics soon!
Several things have changed in my life and it's hard to get some free time now!
I decided to resume my studies for learn more about the textile! 'Cause I'm really really interested by this univers! (Be ready for the Tougui's clothing brand! - I'm kidding...or not!??)
BTW, 2011 gonna be sick! Cool featurings with some great brands are comming!!
Stay tuned!
